The Capitol Tour ~

Josh Hutcherson intervju med Digital Spy~
Jennifer Lawrence på omslaget av Vanity Fairs marsnummer~

Spela Scholastic's Hungerspelen spel Online!~

Tyskladspremiären den 16:e mars kommer få fint besök~
We can proudly announce that the actor JENNIFER LAWRENCE, JOSH HUTCHERSON, LIAM HEMSWORTH, as well as the Director GARY ROSS at the German PREMIERE at the caution!-16 Mar 2012 in Berlin it will be!Några som hänger med till Tyskland den 16:e mars?
Fanmade poster - Katniss and Peeta~

Journey 2 intervju med Josh Hutcherson~
Gary Ross och Jennifer Lawrence i EW - Fatta Eld på Hawaii?
The range in this performance, the emotional terrain that she investigates, the demands of what this role are. It’s such an intensely physical role and an emotional one. She carries the entire movie. To be able to do that at that age is so kind of incredible that I was in a little bit of awe. Do I think she should be nominated? Absolutely.” - GaryJennifer, delade också med sig sin uppfattning om Gary som regissör.
“Everything that I love about the movie, and everything that got me to say yes to this movie, was Gary.” On set, however, she says Ross liked to float the possibility of him leaving everyone in the hands of a new director. “He wanted me to worry about it, because he enjoys my anxiety,” she says with a laugh. “That was a huge, huge thing that he used to lure over my head. Like a bastard!”Vad Jennifer har att säga om Fatta Eld, den andra filmen.
Signing onto the movies I was like, ‘Well, I’ll probably love the first one and then I’ll just want to get the rest of them out of the way. But I can’t wait to start training. As soon as they were like ‘We need to start training in July,’ I was like ‘Woohoo!’ I can’t wait to get back. Though I don’t know if that’s because I think we might shoot in Hawaii,” she said.
“I love the title Catching Fire because from the moment Katniss was willing to eat the berries,” he says, “the moment she was willing to give her life for something larger than herself, she set off a chain reaction that was at once bigger than her and also because of her. That’s a very exciting movie to make because you’re seeing the emergence of a leader. It’s the birth of a revolution so it has context that’s larger than just the Games themselves.”Shiiiiit! De kommer börja träna för andra filmen redan i juli och spela in på HAWAIII!??! Hur coolt?! :D
Josh Hutcherson är på omslaget av Nylon Guys Marsnummer~

Jackie Emerson Photoshoot with Marissa Tandon~

Gary Ross bekräftar att ha kommer göra Catching Fire~
Dagens bild - rankning~

Empire Magazine bjuder oss på detaljer om vissa av spelungdomarna~

Ny bättre Bild på Katniss från Empire Magazine~

Mail ifrån Seneca Crane~

Ny bild på Peeta, Haymitch och Effie~

Filmen, 2 timmar och 15 minuter lång?~

Elizabeth Banks presenterar sin nya hemsida~
Bilden med 'eldkostymerna' i mega kvalité~

Nya MTV intervjuer med Trion~
Intervju med Elizabeth Banks~
Vilken 'serie' är du mest besatt av?~
Ny Behind the Scenes bild ifrån THG set: Tom Stern~

Liam Hemsworth klar för 'Timeless'~
The love story, from Relativity and producer Sunil Perkash (“Salt”), would star Hemsworth as a young man who, haunted by unresolved issues between himself and his late wife, uses the money his wife left him to build a time-travel device so he can see her a final time.

MTV Movie Smackdown resultat~
Ny intervju ifrån MTV med Josh om Hungerspelen~
Klipp ifrån Journey 2 med Josh Hutcherson~
Josh är inte orolig över negativa reaktioner om Hungerspelen~
"Hunger Games" star Josh Hutcherson not worried about negative reactions
I don't read a lot of stuff online... I think for me it’s, everybody’s going to have their opinion, and especially when you have such a beloved book like this, people want to see it done right. And what we have to keep in mind is that Gary Ross was hired by the studio and the studio was working with Suzanne Collins because they all have a united kind of vision for the project. So having Suzanne involved in that process I think helped a lot. And having her come out and say the things she did about the casting process, for me I think, really gave me a vow of confidence as well as the audience I think.

Video: Jennifer Lawrence presenterar Oscar Nomineringarna~
Jennifer Lawrence presenterar Oscars nomineringar - bilder~
Här kommer några bilder på Jennifer Lawrence, där hon presenterar Oscars nomineringarna. Vill ni läsa vilka som blev nominerade? Checka in IMDB.
Jennifer Lawrence kommer att presentera Oscars nomineringar~
Capitol Couture har nu öppnats!~

Nya bilder och nya/gamla HQ versioner~

Dagens Bild~
Elizabeth Banks - det tar 2,5 timmar att bli Effie~
“It’s about 2 and a half hours to go full Effie. When I get to wear gloves, it’s 45 minutes less. I really, I tried to wear gloves as much as possible because once I had the nails on, I couldn’t barely pick up this picture, send texts, dial a phone, go to the bathroom, zip, button. Very much put me in the mindset of the character, because I bet Effie has someone who does all that for her.”

SISTA CHANSEN att tävla med SF bioklubben om HG prylar~

Josh Hutcherson tackar oss Hungerspelen fans i en video~
Josh Hutcherson - Behind the scenes with the Journey 2~
Lionsgate har släppt nya postern i hög kvalla~
MTV Movie Smackdown FINALE!~

Publisher Weekly's intervju med Amandla Stenberg~
When did you first read The Hunger Games?
I think I first read the books at the end of sixth grade, two summers ago. I remember everyone in school was talking about them and how amazing they were, and talking about the characters.Did you picture yourself as Rue?
When I first read the book, I really didn’t picture myself as Rue. Then I read it again, and I did picture myself as her. She’s very musical, and very small like me, and very quick.How are you musical?
I like to sing. I play guitar, violin, and drums. …How did you find out about auditioning for the role, and how did you prepare for it?
I heard that they were making a movie, and I already loved Rue. I called my agent repeatedly, saying, ‘Please, please, please get me an audition.’ After my many, many phone calls, they got an audition for me. That was my golden opportunity. I prepared and prepared, and I went in and met with the casting director, Debra Zane, who helped me, before I met with Gary [director Gary Ross].What did you do to get into character and make yourself feel like Rue?
For my audition, I went to Gary’s house. To get prepared, I dressed up like Rue. I wore khakis and a T-shirt, and my mom had rolled around my clothes in the dirt before. And we put twigs in my hair and leaves all over me, and stains were all over my clothes. And I had a little wreath of flowers in my pocket that I thought Rue might have. That was in my pocket as good luck, and also a special rock. Those were my little tokens I thought Rue would have.Did you show them to the director?
No, I didn’t. It was kind of like my special secret. …How many days was Suzanne Collins on set? And did she give you any pointers on Rue?
She was there for two days in the middle of shooting. It was so amazing to meet her – the creator of all this. We were doing a very traumatic scene, and I was kind of bawling my eyes out. I wasn’t quite sure if this was how Suzanne Collins imagined the scene. And so I talked to her, and she told me just that Rue was trying to be very strong for Katniss. She wanted Katniss to go on, so she tried to be very brave for Katniss. That was very helpful.So did you cry less?
Yes.Because you were trying to be brave?
Ny Hunger Games Poster!~

Nya behind the scenes bilder ifrån makeup-rummet~

Mer MTV intervjuer där Josh, Liam och Jennifer svarar på twitter frågor~
NY BILD PÅ KATNISS OCH PEETA - innan öppningscermonin~

Behind the scenes bilder hur de skapade perukerna till Hungerspelen~

Josh Hutcherson - intervju med TodayOnline~
What does landing one of the biggest roles for a young actor (on Hunger Games) mean to you?
It means the world to me! I wanted this role so badly. I think I hadn’t read a script or book that I connected more with that I did with Peeta. I had never read a character that was more like who I am as a person and had kind of my core values and what I believe in. It was crazy! So for me, it was it was a do or die situation, almost. I never felt that I was more right for a role in my life. It was kind of like if I didn’t get it, I didn’t know how I would react … so it’s just very good that I did get it.Would you say that Peeta is your most demanding role to date?
I don’t know because like I was saying before, I never connected so much with a character before so it felt like the character was already in me. I’ve had other roles before that is very different from what I’m like as a person.Journey 2 and Hunger Games must have been equally physically taxing.
Actually, Journey 2 had a lot more stunt work than Hunger Games. But yeah, I think Journey kind of prepared me a bit for Hunger Games because it was like running through the jungle, and trying to survive and that’s kind of what Hunger Games was. They are kind of similar in a weird way.

MTV intervjuer med skådisarna - bilder~

MTV Movie Smackdown part 4~
Elizabeth Banks on 'The Late show with David Letterman'~
Hunger Games (Parody of Grenade by Bruno Mars)~
Josh Hutcherson intervju med Hot Hits på Journey 2 premiären~

Tävla med SF Bio och vinn 'The Hunger Games' priser!~
Den 23 mars har THE HUNGERGAMES biopremiär i Sverige. THE HUNGER GAMES är baserad på Suzanne Collins succéroman med samma namn, om en gastkramande framtid som är grym, rå, falsk och egentligen bara handlar om en sak – att hålla folket i schack.
Tävla om ett spel, halsband, broscher mm från filmen! Sista tävlingsdag söndag den 22 januari.

Most Wanted Movie of 2012 - vote now!~

Woody Harrelson erkänner att han först tvekade på att axla rollen som Haymitch~
Access Hollywoods intervju med Elizabeth Banks~

Lionsgate köper Summit Entertainment~
Variety: Lionsgate has announced that it’s agreed in principle to buy Summit Entertainment for $412 milliion, combining Hollywood’s leading minimajors. Lionsgate announced the deal at the close of the stock market Friday.
Deadline: The announcement of Lionsgate’s purchase of Summit Entertainment is coming down today. I’ve learned the final price is a bit higher than I previously reported: $725M, consisting of $425M in equity plus an assumption of $300 million of debt … The goal of Lionsgate-Summit will be 10 to 14 movies a year.
The Warp: …However, insiders at both studios feel that Summit’s experience in transforming the vampire “Twilight” series into a global box office phenomenon can help Lionsgate pull off a similar feat with “The Hunger Games.” This could help turn the studio, a launching pad for mid-budget genre films, into a lekking ground for young adult film franchises.
Get to know Josh with 100 days of Hunger Games with Celebuzz video~
Intervju med Gary Ross ifrån LATimes~
“Every moment is like this,” says Ross, 55, almost jubilant in his adoration for Lawrence, 21, who plays Katniss Everdeen — the 16-year-old centerpiece to “The Hunger Games.” Strong and feisty, Katniss is forced to fight for her life as part of her futuristic country’s perverse entertainment spectacle that pits teenagers against each other. “She is so talented, it’s unbelievable.”
“I don’t know how I ever could have done this movie without Jennifer,” he said. “I’m not sure I would have done it without her. She’s that important. More important than any other piece — including me. She’s Katniss Everdeen.”
“The Hunger Games” doesn’t open until March 23, but Ross already has begun working with Collins and screenwriter Simon Beaufoy (“Slumdog Millionaire”) on the sequel based on Collins’ second novel in the series, “Catching Fire.” He seems simply thrilled to remain in the arena for the foreseeable future.Ser ut som om Suzanne och Gary redan håller på att göra catching Fire (Fatta eld) alltså, spännande!

Isabelle Fuhrman - intervju med NextMovie~
Beauty High med fler bilder på Hungerspelen peruker~

Moviefone intervjuer med Josh och Liam~
Access Hollywoods intervju med Josh Hutcherson~
Josh, Liam och Jennifers MTV intervjuer i ett inlägg~
E! Online intervjuar Josh Hutcherson~

"They want to wait and see how this comes out and does and how much fans like it, and then hopefully we're going to start on the next one next fall," Josh Hutcherson told us at the People's Choice Awards in L.A.Source: Eonline
So does Hutcherson think Hunger Games has what it takes to be a bigger box office hit than Twilight?"I don't know," he laughed. "Twilight is huge, man, and has a lot of fans. We'll see... It's an entirely different world and also we're about surviving the games and family and loyalty."
Taylor Swift och Civil Wars Live with Safe & Sound~
kommer Secret Sister att vara med på Hungerspelen soundtracket?~
Just recently, we found out that song is going to be on “The Hunger Games” soundtrack. We recorded that song with T Bone in New York.
Grattis Liam Hemsworth på födelsedagen!~

MTV Movie Smackdown part 3~
Finnick and Annie short film - episode 6~
Bild på Effie från Captiol Couture~

MTV's intervju med Jennifer Lawrence~
Josh Hutcherson intervjuer från igår~
“I can’t wait for fans to see the tracker jacker scene.” a smiling Hutcherson told Celebuzz as he made his way down the red carpet of the 2012 People’s Choice Awards. “The make up is incredible. The scene is insane,” he continued.
“I did ADR yesterday, actually. I saw a good little bit of the film yesterday; it looks good,” he assured. “I’m really excited. The music is insane. The sound design, the editing, everything is amazing. It’s coming together great.”Här kommer också en video (som inte är helvetes MTV som inte fungerar i Sverige). Enjoy! (: Source: Celebuzz via TheHungerGames
PCA - The Recap~

Första riktiga intervjuerna med Hungerspelen-skådisarna - bilder~

Capitol Couture har öppnats!~
Whether you're a Capitol fashionist or a style-crazed District citizen, there's only one place to turn for all the tips, tricks and trends you need to look your best.
"The Hunger Games is the most public, prestigious event of the year in Panem. Cleanliness, dress and comportment offer an oppertunity to affirn District pride and Capitol loyalty." - Ceasar FlickermannSen kan man skriva sin mailadress så att man kan få ett mail 'when issue #1 launches'.
PCA inatt - livestreams?~
Röda mattan:
Live streams:

Capitol Couture - ny ledtråd till lösenordet!~
Citiziens seeking entry to CapitolCouture.PN would do well to remember the past — the words you seek are ones you’ve heard.”
Woody Harrelson om full Haymitch och Hunger Games set~
On playing the role of Haymitch Abernathy:
“He’s got a drinking problem and he’s got some issues and he’s damaged, but I didn’t want to do it totally like your typical version of an alcoholic in a movie,” Harrelson said Monday. “So I tried to keep him a little put-together. I dressed him up from what you would expect, too. That was one of my things I wanted – to make him, particularly in the Capitol, a bit of a snazzy dresser — or at least a dresser with his own style.”
On The Hunger Games set:
“It’s good writing and it just keeps you on the edge,” Harrelson said. “And making [the movie] was a fun experience with just really cool people. I was really impressed by everybody that was associated with it. The look of everything is amazing too. The wardrobe is incredible and the makeup, the [stuff] they came up with is mind-blowing. The imagination behind the hair and the makeup and set decoration, it was just really impressive. It’s the work of brilliant people.”

Taylor Swift gör musikvideo till Safe & Sound~
Just back from Safe and Sound Video Shoot. I think it is by far the best I have ever seen. The scenery and shots are amazing as is Taylor walking barefoot across fields with rocks in cold weather. What a trooper. But it works! Stay tuned. I cannot wait for this one.
5 stycken TV spots för Joshs Journey 2~
Woody Harrelson på Ellen Degeneres~
The Capitol Couture~
@TheCapitolPN har lanserat en ny sida via twitter. MEN! Sidan Capitol Couture är lösenordsskyddad. Börja gissa lösenordet här och kommentera om ni kommer på det!
Moviefone Unscripted with Lawrence, Hutcherson and Banks~
Delta i 74:e Hungerspelen med huvudstaden!~

The World of The Hunger Games - Cover and info~

The World of the Hunger Games is the official, richly illustrated, full-color guide to all the districts of Panem, all of the participants in The Hunger Games, and the life and home of Katniss Everdeen. A must-have for fans of both the Hunger Games novels and the new Hunger Games film! Written by members of the Scholastic editorial team who work closely with Suzanne Collins, all of the content in The World of The Hunger Games and the other official tie-ins has been approved by Suzanne Collins (who also has contributed some additional material of her own via interviews!).Source: DWTC
MTV Movie Smackdown part 2~

Elizabeth Banks pratar Hungerspelen, Effie Trinket och Suzanne Collins~
TeenHollywood: So how did you get interested in being in The Hunger Games film?
Elizabeth: I read the books long before they were best-sellers and I’m very friendly with Gary Ross (writer/director). So, when Gary was going up for the job, we had conversations about Effie and we kept that conversation going while he put together the rest of his cast.
Then he brought me into his office and we had a long conversation at the end of which I was like “If he doesn’t say I’m playing Effie I’m gonna punch him in the face” [she laughs]. But he said “All right. If you want to do it, you can do it.”
TeenHollywood: In the books, Effie is so colorful and over the top and her outfits are amazing so that had to be fun.
Elizabeth: The best thing about making The Hunger Games is that Suzanne Collins (author of the books) sort of blessed the whole process so people are like “How are you handling the pressure?” and, to me, once she’s happy, there is no pressure. That’s who I needed to please and I’m really pleased with my interpretation of Effie. I really feel like she’s what I imagined when I read the books so I’m pretty excited.

En huvudstads peruk ifrån Hungerspelen~

I, like most of the world, cannot believe it's already 2012—2011 absolutely FLEW by. It was an amazing year, but I'm excited to see what 2012 will bring. And, of course, I'm SO excited to see The Hunger Games come to life on the big screen in March!
Then, the holidays ended, it's back to work, back to waking up early and the daily grind, and what do I find greeting me in my office upon my return? THE COOLEST THING EVER.
That's right. Joico sent me a Hunger Games wig designed by the Joico stylists who did all the cut and color for the upcoming film! WOAH!
The citizens of the Capitol were described to Petenbrink as “sophisticated, couture and edgy.” Collaborating with Costume Designer Judianna Makovsky and Hair Department Head Linda Flowers, she was challenged to create unique color designs for each of the 500 extras, using brights and pastels.
Dagens Bild~
Liam Hemsworth i Cosmopolitan~
You dyed your light hair dark brown for The Hunger Games. What did you think of the experience.
I didn’t like it. I’d never colored my hair before, and it definitely gave me sympathy for what women go through.You girlfriend, Miley Cyrus, works a lot too. Any tips for making a long-distance romance work?
Skype! A little bit every day. For those long stretches apart, just to see her face makes it so much easier.What does your ideal guys’ night consist of?
Playing Xbox all night and watching Family Guy.Who do you have a man crush on?
I don’t think there’s a man in the world who doesn’t have a crush on George Clooney. He’s just too cool.

Fanmade - Hungerspelen Arenan by alternatecoppa~

Officiell Bild på Katniss och Peeta i träningscentret~

President Snow - As the Hunger Games Draw Closer~

Gammal intervju med Jennifer Lawrence on Jimmy Fallon~
De som besökte The Hunger Games Set - intervjuer~
Sam Solomon (Canada):
The trip was an experience of a lifetime! It was inspiring to see the positive atmosphere Gary Ross created.
My favourite thing about the trip was that the young actors we met were all so welcoming and friendly; it was impossible not to get along with them.
Philippa Davey (UK):
We saw a tiny bit of the trailer being filmed—the portion where Katniss is running down the blocks—and it was just so exciting to see it in the trailer. It made the whole experience seem real somehow! I literally cannot wait until March to see the film; it comes across so movingly.
Amelie Murmann (Germany):
Before I visited the set of "The Hunger Games" movie, I was afraid that they'd maybe not get the message of the books. Or that the actors won't be able to really BE that role. But now, I'm sure, that the movie is going to be just perfect!
Alexander Swenson (USA):
All the actors were very friendly. Even the director, Gary Ross, came over and gave us a huge welcome. A majority of the cast stayed around with us when they weren’t filming and made sure to point out all the cool stuff that they’ve become accustomed to. I feel like I know almost every nook and cranny of the Training Center thanks to them! They made us feel like an honorary member of the cast for the day.
Source: MTV via
Två coola covers på Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift~
Elizabeth Banks in Lucky Magazine~

And in her role as Effie Trinket in next month’s Hunger Games—based on the dystopian young adult trilogy that has a cult following of Twilightproportions—Banks collaborated with the producer and director to ensure that her character would be uniquely hideous. Playing the upbeat mentor to children who battle to the death on live television, she sports shaved eyebrows, cotton-candy hair and a bleached-white face that emphasizes every wrinkle. And then there’s Banks’ special contribution, the voice, which sounds like a demented ’50s schoolmarm: “It’s based on my heroes, Rosalind Russell in Auntie Mame and Katharine Hepburn in The Philadelphia Story.”
Next Movie - 30 actors to Watch in 2012~

Starring in: "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island" (Feb. 10)'; "The Hunger Games" (March 23); "Red Dawn" (Nov. 2)
Why It’s a Big Year: Hutcherson has been acting since he was 9, but 2012 looks like his career high. With a hat trick featuring one family-friendly sequel, one gritty '80s remake and one teen-lit phenomenon, Hutcherson is set to catch fire, particularly as the irresistibly sweet male lead Peeta Mellark in "The Hunger Games."

Starring in: "The Hunger Games" (March 23); "The Expendables 2" (Aug. 17)
Why It’s a Big Year: With "The Hunger Games," Hemsworth will finally move out of brother Chris and girlfriend Miley's shadows. The Aussie hunk has thousands of fans anxiously waiting to see him play Gale, heroine Katniss Everdeen's best friend, in the dystopian thriller. Plus, he'll star opposite Stallone & co. in the "Expendables" sequel.
Source: Next Movie
Hungerspelen trion kommer till People Choice Awards!~
Jason Biggs, Matt Bomer, David Boreanaz, Elisha Cuthbert, Ellen DeGeneres, Nina Dobrev, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Nathan Fillion, Morgan Freeman, Ginnifer Goodwin, Ashley Greene, Alyson Hannigan, Liam Hemsworth, Julianne Hough, Terrence Howard, Vanessa Hudgens, Josh Hutcherson, Angus T. Jones, Jennifer Lawrence, Zachary Levi, Adam Levine, Ewan McGregor, Lea Michele, Cory Monteith, Chloe Grace Moretz, Jennifer Morrison, Dermot Mulroney, Liam Neeson, Sharon Osbourne, Katy Perry, Busy Philipps, Rob Schneider, Jason Segel, Cobie Smulders, Emma Stone and many more are scheduled to attend PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS 2012, to be broadcast live from the Nokia Theatre L.A. Live in Los Angeles, Wednesday, Jan. 11 (9:00-11)(9:live ET/delayed PT) on the CBS Television Network. Kaley Cuoco (The Big Bang Theory) will host, and Faith Hill and Demi Lovato will perform, as previously announced.

13 stills ifrån 'Journey 2' med Josh Hutcherson~
Next Movie - 30 actress to Watch in 2012~

Starring in: "The Hunger Games" (March 23); "The Silver Linings Playbook" (Nov. 21)
Why It’s a Big Year: There was a virtual battle royale in Hollywood over which hot young actress would land the coveted role of Katniss Everdeen in "Hunger Games," but Lawrence came out on top thanks to her "Winter's Bone" mystique (playing Mystique didn't hurt). Securing a plum role opposite Bradley Cooper in a David O. Russell comedy is the cherry on top of a watershed year.
Source: Next Movie
Finnick and Annie short film - episode 5~
Dagens Bild~

Isabelle Fuhrmans - The Healer new movie poster~

MTV Movie Smackdown~
Here's how it works: after the jump, vote for the films you're most excited to see in 2012 from our list of 32 movies. You'll be able to fight for your movie of choice in this play-in round until voting closes on Sunday (January 8). Starting next week, we'll be down to 16 movies. That's when our Smackdown bracket launches and the 16 flicks will start going head-to-head, March Madness-style, in single-elimination contests — until only one movie reigns supreme.

Hungerspelen Hårstylist pratar favoriter ifrån filmen~
Source: BeautyHighCan you tell me about Katniss’ signature braid… how did you come up with that concept and get that look?
Katniss’ signature braid took about 20 minutes — I first used the TopStyler by InStyler to create texture in her hair then I did a French braid from her left side scooping down her nape and over to the right side. I tried to create something a little more interesting then just a side braid.
What look was the most fun to style?
I loved doing Jennifer’s — Katniss’ hair when she was coming home from the games. She wore a pink dress that looked like it was from the 50′s so I used the TopStyler and did figure 8′s and 1 finger curls with the c-shells to get a contemporary finger wave style like a 50′s old
Hollywood look. I believe it portrayed how much she had grown up from the games and came into her own as a young women because it was classic and soft. And of course Effie (Elizabeth Banks) was really fun, she was sophisticated yet whimsical. How often do you get to put pink and green hair on someone?![]()
Annie Thurman Ustream~

Amandla, Willow och Jackie i Popstar tidningen~

Fanmade HungerGames Room by Alexis~

EW's mest efterlängtade film 2012~

Gott Nytt år och glad fortsättning!~