De som besökte The Hunger Games Set - intervjuer~

Kommer ni ihåg de här inläggen om att man kunde vinna en resa till The Hunger Games Set? MTV har nu gjort intervjuer med de som var där om hur deras upplevelse i North Carolina var. Nedan kommer några urdrag och om ni vill läsa alltihopa, besök MTV här.
Sam Solomon (Canada):
The trip was an experience of a lifetime! It was inspiring to see the positive atmosphere Gary Ross created.
My favourite thing about the trip was that the young actors we met were all so welcoming and friendly; it was impossible not to get along with them.

Philippa Davey (UK):
We saw a tiny bit of the trailer being filmed—the portion where Katniss is running down the blocks—and it was just so exciting to see it in the trailer. It made the whole experience seem real somehow! I literally cannot wait until March to see the film; it comes across so movingly.

Amelie Murmann (Germany):
Before I visited the set of "The Hunger Games" movie, I was afraid that they'd maybe not get the message of the books. Or that the actors won't be able to really BE that role. But now, I'm sure, that the movie is going to be just perfect!

Alexander Swenson (USA):
All the actors were very friendly. Even the director, Gary Ross, came over and gave us a huge welcome. A majority of the cast stayed around with us when they weren’t filming and made sure to point out all the cool stuff that they’ve become accustomed to. I feel like I know almost every nook and cranny of the Training Center thanks to them! They made us feel like an honorary member of the cast for the day.
Source: MTV via


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