Elizabeth Banks in Lucky Magazine~
Elizabeth Banks (Effie Trinket), har gjort en photoshoot med- och är på framsidan av tidningen Lucky! I tidningen pratat hon om hennes karriär, familjen, mode och hon nämner även Hungerspelen. Här kommer urdraget ur tidningen, vill ni läsa hela, checka in den här.
And in her role as Effie Trinket in next month’s Hunger Games—based on the dystopian young adult trilogy that has a cult following of Twilightproportions—Banks collaborated with the producer and director to ensure that her character would be uniquely hideous. Playing the upbeat mentor to children who battle to the death on live television, she sports shaved eyebrows, cotton-candy hair and a bleached-white face that emphasizes every wrinkle. And then there’s Banks’ special contribution, the voice, which sounds like a demented ’50s schoolmarm: “It’s based on my heroes, Rosalind Russell in Auntie Mame and Katharine Hepburn in The Philadelphia Story.”
Source: DWTC