Next Movie - 30 actress to Watch in 2012~
Next Movie har gjort en lista med 30 kvinnliga skådisar som kommer att ta det 'till den nästa nivån' 2012. Och de har tagit med jennifer Lawrence i sin lista. Läs nedan vad de har att säga om henne:
Source: Next Movie
Starring in: "The Hunger Games" (March 23); "The Silver Linings Playbook" (Nov. 21)
Why It’s a Big Year: There was a virtual battle royale in Hollywood over which hot young actress would land the coveted role of Katniss Everdeen in "Hunger Games," but Lawrence came out on top thanks to her "Winter's Bone" mystique (playing Mystique didn't hurt). Securing a plum role opposite Bradley Cooper in a David O. Russell comedy is the cherry on top of a watershed year.
Source: Next Movie