Jena Malone har blivit intervjuad av Vulture~

Jena har blivit intervjuad av Vulture där hon snckar om hiss-scenen och revolt filmerna. 
Läs hela intervjun på eller ett utdrag nedan.

Going back to Catching Fire, there are already GIFs of you stripping in the elevator. Not sure if you knew that.

No, I didn’t! And by the way, I didn’t even know what GIFs were. My little sister has been trying to teach me about, like, memes and GIFs. Now I’m kind of obsessed with them.

You obviously haven’t shaved your head yet, so does that mean you’re not going to have to for Mockingjay, or you haven’t started shooting your part yet?

I haven’t started filming yet; I start in December. Johanna doesn’t come in until the middle of the Mockingjay novel, so she’s off being tortured. It’s so funny, whilst doing the press tour, that was also like my research tour. Because I start [shooting], like, next week. So I was like, Fuck, basically I get off the press tour and then have to shoot. So I was reading all of these things on torture and thinking all this dark, deep, intense shit … while I’m wearing high heels, hugging these 15-year-old girls.



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