Elizabeth Banks in Women's Health~
Elizabeth Banks är på den nya upplagan av Women's Health. Hn skrev om det själv på sin hemsida och detta är vad hon skrev till inlägget. Längre ner kommer några BTS bilder som hon tog själv (:
Here's how it all went down during my trip to NYC to shoot the cover of Women's Health Magazine. We shot in downtown Manhattan in December - it was freezing but I braved the wind in sleeveless since this issue is for Spring! We darted out into the street just as we were losing light and an amazing sunset came up over the Hudson River. I really loved the red tank top/jeans look - getting outside and adding such a fun background to the pics, plus red is my favorite color. All in all it was a great shoot and I even got to keep the jeans from the cover look! Just so you know - I’m wearing them right now as I type this.

Update: BTS video
Source: elizabethbanks.com