En Hungerspelen Extra pratar om Stanley Tucci och intervjuerna~
-I’m in the Capitol. We did the wrap up with Caesar and Katniss/Peeta last night. Everyone’s perfect. Stanley couldn’t be more perfect, really. After doing the Katniss interview for two days, the man still had the energy to do some reshooting Friday afternoon with the same pep as before. It’s amazing and baffling. I don’t really think anyone should be worried about anything big. I’m pretty sure all the interviews are done. I was there for Rue, Foxface and Katniss on Thursday, Marvel, Cato, Clove on Friday.Översätter inte texten denna gång! Hoppas ni förstår ändå (:
Source: Mockingjay.net
Postat av: peggy
HAN HAR JU FOTFARANDE INGET HÅR!!!? eller är bilden från innan?