Citat ur EW - The men of The Hunger Games~

E! Online har nyss postat en artikel där de berätttar mer om EW's special "Men of The Hunger Games" som kommer ut nu på fredag (USA). Här beskriver författaren Suzanne Collins om hur bra Josh Hutcherson spelar Peeta:

“People may get thrown off by, say, the color of an actor’s hair,” explained Collins of her casting choices. “But I tell you, if Josh had been bright purple and had six-foot wings and gave that audition, I’d have been like, ‘Cast him! We can work around the wings.’ He was that good.”


De berättar också om hur Josh spelade Jennifer ett litet spratt:

“We have this fake dummy(skyltdocka) on the set, this really gnarled-up, scary-looking thing,” Josh says of his antics with J.L. “The other day I put it in her bathroom trailer, and she told me she actually peed her pants, she was so scared. I’m sure she’s going to pay me back.”


Man kan också läsa om hur Josh förberede sig för rollen som Peeta:

"Before arriving on set, Hutcherson hit the gym for an intense round of training to better embody a boy who's spent his childhood heaving sacks of flour. He put on about 15 pounds (6.8 kg) of muscle in three weeks."


Gary Ross om Liam Hemsworth som skådis:

Director Gary Ross on Hemsworth, here with Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss: ''On first glance he's such a hunk that it's easy to ascribe a hunklike simplicity to him. But this is a phenomenally subtle actor, totally in control of what he was doing.''

Source: EW och E! Online


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